| Canadian Habitat Matters 2010 Annual Report Available Online
Canadian Habitat Matters 2010 Annual Report the report describing the accomplishments of Habitat and Species Joint Ventures in Canada under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) is now available. This edition highlights the contributions made by Canadian, U.S. and international partners toward the securement, enhancement, and management of wetlands and associated uplands in 2010. North American Wetlands Management Plan Value Proposition
Celebrating Twenty Years of Wetlands Conservation One of the world�s most innovative conservation initiatives is celebrating 20 years of success. Click here to find out about the more than 2.9 million hectares of wetland and associated upland habitat have been secured in Canada thanks to funding under the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), as well as generous support by partners in Canada and the United States.North American Waterfowl Management Plan Annual AwardsTo give recognition to organizations and individuals committed to the conservation of wetlands habitats and their associated wildlife, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan Committee seeks nominations each year for deserving Plan partners to receive one of its two awards.Click here for a list of past and current recepients of the International Canvasback Award and the National Great Blue Heron Awards.
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