| Throughout the continent, the Plan establishes regional partnerships called "joint ventures" to undertake conservation projects. Each joint venture includes the participation of individuals, corporations, conservation organizations and government agencies. The joint ventures represent links in the Plan's national and international systems. Canada has four habitat joint ventures (Pacific Coast, Canadian Intermountain, Prairie Habitat, and Eastern Habitat) and three species joint ventures (Arctic Goose, Black Duck and Sea Duck). The Pacific Coast Joint Venture and each of the species joint ventures are international in scope. Joint ventures develop implementation plans focusing on areas of concern identified in the Plan. The joint ventures are integral to Plan implementation in Canada and the United States. In Mexico, regional partnerships have been formed to link with regional, national and international Plan activities. Canadian Habitat Matters 2010 Annual Report(6.3 Mb), our most recent summary of Canadian joint venture work is now available on line! The Prairie Habitat Joint Venture (PHJV) covers one of the most productive areas for waterfowl and contains some of the best habitat in the world. Over half of North America's mid-continent ducks breed within this region. The PHJV's broad-based partnerships and conservation activities are crucial to achieving the continental North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) goal of restoring waterfowl populations to the average levels of the 1970s. In January 2006, a thorough review was completed for all of the NAWMP Joint Ventures. The following fact sheets provide an update on the progress of the PHJV towards its NAWMP goals in Prairie Canada. Science - The Key to our Future (PDF, 512 KB): During the initial years, the PHJV drew on the wealth of scientific data collected since the 1930's with respect to duck distribution and waterfowl ecology. Learn how historical and current research helps us shape the future for waterfowl. PHJV Achievements (PDF, 447 KB): PHJV partners have secured/influenced 5.4 million acres. Learn more... The PHJV as a Strategic Investment (PDF, 355 KB): Over half of North America's mid-continent ducks breed within the region covered by the PHJV. Learn more about why the PHJV is vital to the most productive waterfowl area and best habitat in the world. PHJV - Policy in Action(PDF, 552 KB): Policy development is one of the most important habitat conservation tools available to the PHJV. Learn why people and policy are key to the vision. Partners in Conservation(PDF,545 KB): The PHJV's diverse cross-section of over 340 conservation partners is successful because of their common vision for conservation. Learn how partners across North America are helping habitat. | |